
What is it ?

A truly intelligent GUI for mounting/unmounting devices on Linux/Unix.


I traced and fixed the stability issues. It was not code related, but caused by a bug in the -1 slackware tgz package, the -2 package (now linked) works stably.


No configuration needed, works out of the box on any system (I said it was intelligent)

Normal users see only user-mountable devices

Root sees all devices

Knows which items in fstab not to show (/proc, /sys etc.)

Can handle network mounts

Low resources (fast)

Compatible with any desktop environment




Xmessage (or command-line compatible replacement)

Konqueror (or any other file manager)


NOTE ON THE RPM: I created the RPM package with checkinstall, I used mc to verify the files are in the right places. But I don't have an rpm based system to try it on so use at your own risk. It has SDL listed as a requirement, if you have SDL and it won't work that probably means your system has SDL listed by version number, installing with no-deps should be safe.